Feria infantil

Zoológico de Elmwood Park 1661 Harding Blvd, Norristown, PA, Estados Unidos

Únete a la Senadora Amanda M. Cappelletti para una feria de niños para los residentes del distrito diecisiete del senado estatal en el zoológico de Elmwood Park el 24 de agosto de 2021 de 5:30 a 7:30 pm.

¿Tiene preguntas? Llame a nuestra oficina al 610-768-4200 o envíenos un correo electrónico a cappelletti@pasenate.com.

Si está interesado en patrocinar el acto, póngase en contacto con Shae Ashe en el 717-756-4551 o envíele un correo electrónico a shae.ashe@pasenate.com.

Feria de la Tercera Edad 2021

Centro Comunitario de Ocio y Medio Ambiente 9000 Parkview Drive, Haverford, PA, Estados Unidos

¡Únase a la Senadora Amanda M. Cappelletti para una Feria de la Tercera Edad para los residentes del Distrito 17 del Senado Estatal en el Centro Comunitario de Recreación y Medio Ambiente el 6 de octubre de 2021 en Haverford! Regístrese a continuación. ¡El almuerzo será proporcionado! Este evento tendrá recursos disponibles para las personas mayores, incluyendo: impuestos a la propiedad / asistencia reembolso de alquiler, preguntas de asistencia de Medicare, preguntas de asistencia de atención a largo plazo, y mucho [...]

Recogida de alimentos Drive Thru

Instituto Cardenal O'Hara 1701 S Sproul Road, Springfield, PA, Estados Unidos


La colecta de alimentos Drive Thru se llevará a cabo el domingo 14 de noviembre de 2021 de 12:00pm a 3:00pm en el Cardinal O'Hara High School ubicado en 1701 S Sproul Road, Springfield, PA. El evento es organizado por Delaware Co. Departamento de Servicios Humanos, en conjunto con la Congresista Mary Gay Scanlon, Senador Tim Kearney, Senador John Kane, Senadora Amanda Cappelletti, Representante Estatal Jennifer O'Mara, y Representante Estatal Leanne Kruegar.

Se trata de una recogida de alimentos sin contacto. La gente pasa en coche por el aparcamiento y los voluntarios sacan los artículos de sus maleteros y los llevan a los camiones despensa.

Algunos de los artículos culturalmente específicos que se sugieren son: Arroz: sancochado, jazmín, Lentejas, Alubias secas: negras, pinto, riñón, Harina: Gramo, Sémola (Sooji), Trigo integral, Maseca (harina de tortilla) y Fufu, junto con cereales, leche en polvo/evaporada/en caja, aceite, azúcar, sal, café instantáneo, mantequilla de cacahuete, conservas de carne (jamón, pollo) y pescado (sardinas, atún),verduras: maíz, quingombó, espinacas, carnes enlatadas, guisos, artículos de limpieza, productos personales: desodorante, jabón en pastilla para el baño, pasta de dientes, productos de higiene femenina y, por supuesto, aderezos para las fiestas, relleno, boniatos, salsa de arándanos.

Todos los alimentos y artículos serán donados a las despensas de alimentos del condado de Delaware.

Para más información, póngase en contacto con Gayle Oddi @ 610-713-2376 o OddiG@delcohsa.org.

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Ayuntamiento virtual de inscripción en el sistema sanitario

Evento virtual PA, Estados Unidos

Únase al Senador Cappelletti para un evento de inscripción en el ayuntamiento virtual el 16 de noviembre para aprender más sobre las opciones de seguro de salud en PA y cómo inscribirse.

Financial and Tax Literacy Event

Montgomery County – Norristown Public Library 1001 Powell Street, Norristown, PA, United States

Finances can be stressful and confusing. Often, these basic skills are not taught in schools or are not easy to learn for many individuals. On Miércoles, Abril 5 at 6:00 pm, my office will be hosting a financial and tax literacy event at the Montgomery County – Norristown Public Library. Representatives from the PA Treasury […]

Policy Hearing: #ItsOnUs: Combatting Sexual Assault on Campus

Evento virtual PA, Estados Unidos

On Abril 7th, 2022, Senators Muth, Cappelletti, Schwank, Collett, Hughes, and Santarsiero will host a hearing on the movement against sexual assault on college campus and the Governor's It's On Us package of bills designed to address this issue.

The It’s On Us campaign is a national initiative started by the Obama Administration to raise awareness about sexual assault; teaching participants that assault includes non-consensual sex, advising them on how to identify dangerous situations, empowering them to intervene, and urging them to create an environment of support for victims and survivors. 

Policy Hearing: Innovations for Economic Recovery: Childcare and College Students

Montgomery County Community College - Health Sciences Center - Room 1804 340 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA, United States

On Abril 28th, Senators Collett, Cappelletti, Schwank, and Comitta will hold a hearing to discuss the challenges facing student and staff at institutions of higher education surrounding childcare. Lack of affordable and accessible childcare has impacted every industry and become dire during the pandemic. Colleges are in a unique position to help bolster the childcare […]

Free Shred and E-Recycle Event

Radnor Financial Center 150 N Radnor Chester Road, Radnor, PA, United States

Join Senator Amanda Cappelletti, Representative Jennifer O’Mara, and Delaware County DA Jack Stollsteimer’s office for a FREE shred and E-recycling event on Mayo 21 from 9AM-12PM (or until the trucks fill up) at the Radnor Financial Center.

Learn more & Register →

Policy Hearing – Student Voices in Education

Norristown Area School District | Administration Building 401 North Whitehall Road, West Norriton, PA, United States

On Junio 3rd, Senators Kearney, Muth, Cappelletti, and Collett will hold a hearing on student voices in education. Legislators, stakeholders, advocates, and parents dominate the vast majority of Pennsylvania’s public debate on hot button issues around education, including equity in schools, school climate, and student mental health. Rarely do the students who are the subjects of these debates get to weigh in on the issues themselves. This hearing will be an opportunity for students from 8 diverse school districts in Montgomery County who have been engaged in dialogue and data-driven research on these critical issues to present their research and experiences to policy makers. Specifically, students will present findings from research projects they conducted using the Psychological Sense of School Membership survey within their schools, that speak to questions of belonging within schools and equity between different student groups. The hearing will give policy makers a deeper understanding of school environments that affect youth mental health, school climate and safety, and inequality – all of which have been identified as top education concerns for policy development by members of the Education Committee and the caucus at large.

This hearing will be held at Norristown Area High School | 1900 Eagle Dr, Norristown, PA 19401 with a ZOOM option for those who wish to participate virtually.

If participating virtually, register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUlde-tpz8uHtFraJyxOfzrnbeuesjcXHh-

2022 Kids’ Fair

Zoológico de Elmwood Park 1661 Harding Blvd, Norristown, PA, Estados Unidos

Register Join Senator Amanda M. Cappelletti for a Kids Fair for State Senate District 17 residents at Elmwood Park Zoo on Agosto 3, 2022! Register below. If you are interested in sponsoring the event, please contact Alex Fisher at alex.fisher@pasenate.com or 484-861-4879. Thank you to our sponsors Kids' Fair 2021

Policy Hearing – Secondary Impacts of Gun Violence

Einstein Medical Center 559 W Germantown Pike, East Norriton, PA, United States

On Agosto 24th, Senators Cappelletti, Kane, Muth, Street and Williams will hold a hearing focusing on the secondary impacts of gun violence. This hearing will explore the ways in which the consequences of gun violence cost our Commonwealth. We will look at the toll gun violence takes on the mental health of our medical professionals, […]

2022 Senior Fair

Havertown YMCA 891 N. Eagle Road, Havertown, PA, United States